Ashwell Case Study The Blue Tree Company Hertfordshire

Stump Removal in SSSI, tree surgery, Ashwell

The client needed us to remove a large dead fallen Ash stump from “The Springs” in Ashwell, and relocate it in a more appropriate location on site. The tree had previously been left standing due to its significant contribution to the ecology. The Springs is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Importance) which means that specific considerations and processes need to be adhered to

This was a large Ash tree that had fallen in an area of shallow water frequently used by the public for paddling. Rather than removing it entirely, retaining the tree on site meant that the habitat could be maintained in a more appropriate location

Due to the size and location of the tree a crane needed to be used to lift out the tree in pieces. This had the added benefit of keeping the tree in larger sections than would otherwise have been possible

If the work hadn’t have taken place, the tree would have remained in situ in an inappropriate location

This is a one off. Its worth noting however the balancing act that needs to be made between safety and ecology

We provide a lot of pruning to make trees appropriate for their location including crown reductions, thinning and cutting away from buildings

Much of Ashwell is in the Conservation Area. As such, notice of intended works needs to be sent through to North Herts District Council; this is a 6 week process. We can handle all of the paperwork on our customers’ behalf as part of the service

qualified & insured

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Our team are qualified tree surgeons and fully insured, guaranteeing you a professional service.